District 26 Pulse
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts & feedback. We know there are many issues to tackle, and many key topics that were not included in this survey. However, in an effort to keep the survey short & sweet we chose 9 questions related to "current events" such as the corruption in the government that was recently exposed, the bills around public education funding & minimum wage, and of course issues related to COVID & economic recovery.
We've compiled your responses in the survey results below. These results are as of 6/30/2022 and will be updated periodically. If you haven't taken the survey yet, but would like to, please click here.
If elected, my promise to the constituents of District 26, is to serve with transparency, communication, and collaboration. I'll be in office representing our collective opinions, not my individual opinions. I'll reach out to get all of your thoughts & opinions via surveys, emails, coffee talks, and social media outlets.